Thursday, 17 April 2014

What Is Vitamin C - Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy

Vitamin C

If you are looking for Vitamin C foods so that you can get all of the Vitamin C benefits from them there is an abundance of information online. If you have Vitamin C deficiency and you are considering taking a Vitamin C supplement care must be taken not to take a Vitamin C overdose. A Vitamin C overdose sounds a bit dramatic but in reality all that a Vitamin C overdose will to to a human is give them an upset stomach, diarrhea or in extreme cases form kidney stones. Vitamin C is a vitamin that is necessary for the growth and development of the human body. In the event that an individual consumes too much vitamin C, the leftovers evacuate the body through urine. Naturally, this means that the body needs a continuous supply of vitamin C in order to grow and develop properly.

Colleen Ann Fitzpatrick – Vitamin C

Vitamin C is so popular in peoples lives even a singer, song writer has called herself Vitamin C. Her real name is Colleen Ann Fitzpatrick. Her Vitamin C song Vitamin C Graduation is a wonderful song. Vitamin C singer Colleen Ann Fitzpatrick was borne in 1972 in Old Bridge Township in New Jersey in the USA. Colleen Ann Fitzpatrick is a pop music singer, song writer, dancer, record producer and actress. Vitamin C is her stage name.

What Does Vitamin C Do?

The human body uses C Vitamins in order to grow and regenerate tissues. It is used to make tendons, ligaments, skin, and blood vessels. It can help the body heal wounds as well as form scar tissue. It can even maintain and heal bones, teeth, and cartilage.

Nutrients And Vitamin C

Vitamins C also falls under the classification of antioxidants. This is a nutrient that is used by the body to prevent damage that could be caused by free radicals. Free radicals are created when the human body breaks down food or after it has been exposed to radiation or tobacco. When these free radicals build up in the human body they can speed up the body’s natural aging process. They also play a role in heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.

Foods That Contain Vitamin C

When it comes to getting the Vitamin C benefits from Vitamin C foods, unfortunately the body is not able to create the amount of C Vitamin that it needs on its own and many people end up with Vitamin C deficiency. Furthermore, the body does not store Vitamin C that is not being used. This is why it is important to make sure that Vitamin C foods are a part of your daily diet.
  • Red and green hot chili peppers.
  • Bell peppers.
  • Fresh herbs like thyme and parsley.
  • Guavas.
  • Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and Broccoli.
  • Kiwi fruits.
  • Dark leafy greens like garden cress, kale and mustard greens.
  • Papayas.
  • Oranges, tangerines and clementines.
  • Strawberries.
For years, it was believed that Vitamin C benefits the body as a remedy for the common cold. However, medical experts and research indicates that it does not appear to reduce the risk of getting a cold or help after a cold has started. There is evidence to suggest that individuals who get a proper amount of Vitamin C may suffer from shorter colds and more mild symptoms than other people.

Vitamin C Deficiency

When it comes to Vitamin C deficiency, medical experts agree that Vitamin C deficiency is extremely rare. This is because everything from infant formula to a number of different food groups contain an optimal amount of Vitamin C. In fact, most medical experts agree that the average individual actually consumes way more Vitamin C than what they actually need to consume on a regular basis.

Vitamin C Overdose

A Vitamin C overdose will not kill you. There really are not any serious side effects when it comes to consuming too much Vitamin C. In the rare event that you consume more than 2,000 milligrams of  Vitamin C in a day there is a risk of diarrhea and an upset stomach. This is because the body will not store any vitamins that it is not using. Instead, it will flush them out of its system on a daily basis once it is done using what it needs. This is why it is suggested that you take multivitamins or vitamin serum every day. This way you are sure to get all of the proper vitamins that your body needs.

If you are in any doubt about taking Vitamin C or any other vitamins and minerals consult your doctor.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D.Hyp  T.F.T  M.U.F.H  M.A.A.H  U.K.C.H.O  N.R.H  C.I.S.H
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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