Thursday, 17 April 2014

What Is Hypnosis | Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy


Hypnosis is a term used quite often, but very rarely explained.  Most often, it’s found in cinema or television providing comedic value, or an explanation behind an individual’s action(s).  The reality behind Hypnosis, however, is far more complex.

What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis can be defined using two key terms – “Trance” in which the subject is brought into a completely focused state, and “Suggestion” where an individual becomes more open to suggestions and instructions.
In the “Trance” state an individual’s attention is trained upon a focus, which can be the Hypnotist’s Voice, the ever cliché swinging pocket-watch, or a simulation of nature sounds.  The subject is then given a series of instructions, which are thought to assist them into entering the “Trance” state.    This state is considered by some scientific sources as an altered state of consciousness in which an individual’s perceptions of reality are “warped” or “distorted,” but this is widely debated.

Hypnosis And Suggestion

“Suggestion” is the most commonly thought of aspect of Hypnosis.  Suggestions are typically used to instruct an individual to complete an action, or series of actions, or a change in thought, while within the “Trance” state.  The suggested actions/results can vary widely.  A “When I do this, you will do this” trigger-response (which can take place during Hypnosis or afterward), a sensation changing suggestion (a limb tingling or feeling weightless), to a memory altering suggestion.
The most agreed upon aspect of Hypnosis is that acts, the result of suggestions, carried out while under Hypnosis are described as involuntary.  This does not imply a forced action or any form of coercion on the part of the subject, but simply a sense of the action taking place automatically, effortlessly, or naturally.  It is important to note that Hypnotic Suggestion is not a form of mind control, and this is agreed upon by the majority of scientific sources.

What Can Hypnosis Be Used For?

Hypnosis has been shown to have several different real world applications.  One of the most famous ways uses of Hypnosis, or “Hypnotherapy” if used to assist with a problem, is to help individuals stop smoking.  This is usually achieved by using Hypnosis to assist the subject in associating smoking with an unpleasant smell, or sensation.  Hypnosis has been reliably shown to assist individuals in quitting smoking up to doubling their chances of abstaining for several months after the therapy.

Hypnosis For Pain Management

Hypnosis has also been used as an alternative, or additive, source of pain management for surgeries and other procedures.  The research on Hypnosis as a pain management tool has shown that individuals undergoing surgery and using Hypnosis remain pain free longer than individuals using standard pain management techniques.

Try Hypnosis Today

Hypnosis is a tool with many practical applications within many different fields.  It’s often thought of with distrust, or cynicism, but the research shows that it is anything but, just, a laughing matter.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D.Hyp  T.F.T  M.U.F.H  M.A.A.H  U.K.C.H.O  N.R.H  C.I.S.H
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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