Sunday 13 April 2014

Relationship Stress | Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy

Are You Stressed?

Relationship stress is very normal and actually necessary in order for us to learn and grow as people. The act of taking two people coming together to form a bond often carries with it much anguish, stress, and differences which will have to be overcome in order to form a lasting relationship. Although many will say it simply takes time to overcome relationship stress, not learning to properly deal with the different stresses in relationships now will lead to the relationship not lasting long enough to overcome these things.

What Causes Stress?

Understanding what causes the stress in your relationships can help to learn to overcome them. The main problem here is that these stresses often renew themselves and getting over one issue may simply lead to other issues later on. People have a tendency to forget and often repeat mistakes until they learn to form habits that keep them from making mistakes. In relationships, this means learning to identify mistakes and habits that either cause stress for you or for those you are in a relationship with. Often you may find that you are the source of your own stress and overcoming the problem may simply be a matter of dealing with your own issues and letting your partner know that you may need help in this action. Communication here shows that you trust and respect your partner and that you have have an active place for this person in your life.

Ways To Overcome Stress

Now for the harder part; this being overcoming stresses placed upon you by others. This can be hard to deal with since you may want to lash out but at the same time not want to hurt someone else’s feelings. The key here is to understand exactly what causes the relationship stress and how to properly approach and communicate the problem without hurting someone else. At minimum you would need good conversation skills and possibly even a third party mediator if things are indeed that serious. Most of the time, simply discussing with your partner what is causing you stress will help alleviate the problem. Your partner can also then discuss what may be causing them stress thus helping the overall relationship and build trust.

Build Up Trust In Your Relationship

In any relationship, good conversation and trust are the keys to not only finding the sources of stress but also overcoming those issues which would otherwise undermine the relationship. You need to be open and honest about what problems there may be and be open to receiving communication from your partner as well. This way you will succeed where so many before you have often failed and build a relationship that will last a lifetime. Relationships can be hard to maintain sometimes and it’s not easy to deal with the personality traits and habits of another person but through this process we can all learn to be better people.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D.Hyp  T.F.T  M.U.F.H  M.A.A.H  U.K.C.H.O  N.R.H  C.I.S.H
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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