Thursday 10 April 2014

Hypnotherapy To Stop Smoking | Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy

Stop Smoking Today

Smoking is highly addictive, and countless people have quit only to find themselves relapsing the first time they get stressed out or have a drink. Sometimes you need a little extra help then your willpower can provide you. Hypnotherapy might seem extreme to quit smoking cigarettes, but it is actually one of the best ways to stop smoking. Some people might be skeptical that it will not work, others will tell themselves repeatedly that they can quit when they want, but the truth is they cannot. When you need a little extra help to stop smoking, you should consider hypnotherapy. If it does not work, then you were right, but if it does then you can stop smoking for good!

Other Ways To Quit Smoking

You might have tried other ways to stop smoking including stop smoking products or cold turkey and found that it did not work for you. There is no shame in needing help to stop smoking, and it is okay to admit that you are addicted to it. You might think you know everything there is to know about stop smoking methods, but even after hours of research, you can still be surprised. Hypnotists are not voodoo doctors; they are trained professionals with degrees that work in a clinic much like your regular doctor. While some people worry they are going to walk into their office and listen to rivers flowing while incense burns around them, we can tell you that will not happen.

What Will My Hypnotherapy Session Be Like?

What will happen is the hypnotist will help you to mentally and physically relax so that the repeated suggestions of quitting smoking will become programmed in your mind. Usually they will try to find the underlying cause of the reason you smoke. This way when they know what triggers the cravings they can help you start to think differently when one comes along. Once they know what makes you smoke, they know how to help you quit smoking. They will suggest to you that you do not want cigarettes, and that you should not touch them anymore. They will help you remember that just one can lead to a whole pack and keep you from relapsing. For the most part people who have undergone this type of therapy do not smoke anymore. It is a way for them to help reprogram your brain into not wanting to smoke anymore. Quitting smoking is a big deal because it might just save your life, and it is something that your hypnotherapist understands. Just let them do their job and relax. You may have to go back for more than one session, but it is well worth it if you are serious about never smoking cigarettes again.

Hypnotherapy To Stop Smoking

If you have used many of the on-line aids to stop smoking and nothing has worked, then try hypnotherapy which is recognized as being one of the most effective ways to give up smoking for good. If you are looking for hypnotherapy in Newcastle upon Tyne, Durham, Gateshead or Sunderland contact clinical hypnotherapist Ian Smith.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D.Hyp  T.F.T  M.U.F.H  M.A.A.H  U.K.C.H.O  N.R.H  C.I.S.H
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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