Thursday 10 April 2014

Hypnotherapy In Newcastle To Stop Smoking | Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy

What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a method of behavior modification utilized in a variety of fields including dentistry, the police force, sports and medicine. It mostly used in controlled hypnotherapy sessions to help patients and clients change unwanted destructive or unhealthy habits, replacing all of them with healthier alternatives. Practitioners of clinical hypnotherapy in Newcastle can assist clients in quitting smoking in just one or two sessions.

Hypnosis In Newcastle

Most people have little understanding of the way hypnosis works and how hypnotherapy sessions can help even lifelong smokers to quit smoking. Below are answers to some questions about quitting smoking and hypnosis in Newcastle.

Stop Smoking Questions And Answers

  1. What kind of hypnotherapist will help me stop smoking? If you want to stop smoking, you should find a hypnotherapist who focuses on individual needs and can tailor the hypnosis sessions to each client’s specific triggers and habits individually.
  2. I already know how to stop smoking. What will hypnosis add to what I already know? Our minds work on both conscious and unconscious levels. You use your conscious mind to make decisions, think, and decide to act or not to act. The unconscious mind is in control of our cravings and habits. Although many people “know how to stop smoking” with their conscious minds, they still continue to smoke, because the unconscious mind is very powerful. When you undertake hypnosis to stop smoking, the hypnotherapist communicates directly with your unconscious mind, changing those thought patterns that make you crave the nicotine or the habitual routines involved in smoking.
  3. How can I stop smoking without being irritable? Many people’s efforts to quit smoking are derailed because of the emotional and physical withdrawal they experience. With hypnosis, it is “suggested” toyour unconscious mind that you will be energetic and cheerful, and the irritability never occurs. Also, a part of the hypnosis session involves providing a set of automatic skills for coping with any physical withdrawal symptoms.
  4. How do you stop smoking without gaining weight? Many people trying to quit replace the habit of putting a cigarette in their mouth with the habit of putting food there instead. The great thing about quitting smoking with hypnosis is that the hypnotherapist can transfer the pleasure derived from smoking to a healthier habit instead, such as drinking more water or getting some exercise.
  5. Why stop smoking? I feel fine. A few benefits of quitting: 1) You will save a LOT of money (cigarettes aren’t cheap!); 2) You will increase your life expectancy (potentially by an entire decade); 3) You will boost your immune system – stop getting ill with every virus that comes along; 4) You will have younger looking skin.
Whether you are a social smoker or a true nicotine addict, the thought of quitting may be daunting. Hypnotherapy in Newcastle may be just the help you need to finally kick the habit.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D.Hyp  T.F.T  M.U.F.H  M.A.A.H  U.K.C.H.O  N.R.H  C.I.S.H
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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