Thursday 10 April 2014

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss and to Stop Smoking - Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy

You may already be aware of the traumatizing effects smoking has on you. Are you looking to stop smoking? Did you know once you do stop you may be able to also lose weight? You will feel better about yourself and possibly save yourself from possible cancers, stroke, heart diseases, and lung diseases.

Bad Habits

Think back to your adolescent years. Were you denied a lot, told no, or maybe yelled at often? You could have a nervous condition stemming back to when you were young that is causing you to smoke. Smoking has been found to be a psychological condition where people believe they truly need to smoke to calm their nerves. Once you have acknowledged your reasons of smoking you are ready to find ways to stop permanently.

What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is simply mental “focused attention or concentration” which is used to bypass the thinking analyzing mind to enable a person access to their subconscious mind where all of our experiences are stored (what we hear, smell, taste, touch and visualize). Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness which actually has nothing to do with being asleep. Hypnosis is a natural phenomenon which is a bit like daydreaming which both humans and animals naturally go in and out of many times every day. We all know what its like when we go in to “autopilot” when driving a car perhaps not remembering much of the journey but still got to our destination safely.

How You Can Conduct Hypnosis At Home

You could learn self-hypnosis so that you can hypnotize yourself. Once you understand what hypnosis is, you can try some of the techniques your hypnotherapist could recommend for you and do it in the comforts of your own home.
  • Create physical relaxation by staring at a focal point in front of you slowing your breathing down.
  • Create mental relaxation by counting slowly downwards from the number 100 downwards doubling the mental relaxation with each number until you cant be bothered to count anymore (it should just take a few numbers if done correctly).
  • Once you have achieved that, use your imagination to create a relaxed scene in your mind. It could be in a field of flowers, in the clouds, or in a forest watching the birds and animals. In this scene imagine a flight of steps that leads down to a door that leads to a safe and secure room where only you have the key to get in to. Imagine walking slowly down the steps or stairs doubling the physical and mental relaxation until you arrive at the bottom of the stairs. Then imagine yourself entering your safe room and lock the door behind you. Create another scene inside your safe room where you can really use your imagination (what you see, feel, hear, smell and taste).
  • Then imagine resting somewhere in your safe room and quietly in your mind repeat positive suggestions or visual images of becoming successful at what you want to achieve as many times as possible in the time frame you have.
  • When you want to exit self-hypnosis just imagine exiting your safe and secure room and walk back up your stairs back to full awareness.
Please do not attempt self-hypnosis if you suffer from any form of psychosis or have suffered any kind of head trauma without consulting your own doctor or professional clinical hypnotherapist. They will be able to give your all the advice that you require.

If you are considering using hypnotherapy to stop smoking or for losing weight and you are looking to find hypnotherapy near Gateshead contact the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields. Clinical hypnotherapist Ian Smith is an Internationally respected therapist who is considered to be an expert in help with quitting smoking.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D.Hyp  T.F.T  M.U.F.H  M.A.A.H  U.K.C.H.O  N.R.H  C.I.S.H
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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