Monday 14 April 2014

Stop Smoking Tips – Quays Clinic Of Hypnotherapy

The Best Ways To Stop Smoking

If you read many of the smoking articles, smoking statistics, smoking facts about the effects of smoking, second hand smoking and the dangers of smoking online, you will understand why its a good idea to quit smoking today. Smoking cigarettes is an incredibly bad habit which will eventually cause your health to deteriorate.

Why Do People Start Smoking?

There are many factors as to why people start smoking and many reasons why they should consider stopping smoking. Many people start smoking at a very young age when they are at school due to peer pressure to fit in with the crowd. Other people unfortunately don’t see smoking as a problem because they see their parents or people that they look up to smoking.
The vast majority of people that smoke are influenced by tobacco companies advertizing which attempts to make smoking look glamorous and link smoking to physical relaxation. There is nothing manly or attractive when a person gets mouth cancer, lip cancer, lung cancer or one of the many other smoking related cancers. Nicotine doesn’t relax anyone because its a stimulant.

How To Stop Smoking?

If you are asking yourself “How do you stop smoking?” here are some ideas:.
  • Drink six to eight glasses of water every day. Many people confuse the physical feelings of dehydration as being that of a craving for a cigarette.
  • When you get a yearning for a cigarette, chew gum. To stop smoking cigarettes, you can either chew routine gum or nicotine gum.
  • Keep yourself busy and stay away from other people that smoke as much as you can when you first start your stop smoking program.
  • Recognize the fact that a negative thought about wanting a cigarette will quickly pass.
  • Go out for a walk with a friend or family member and get some fresh air.
  • Join a stop smoking support group. Sometimes that extra bit of support will help you through the early stages of becoming a non-smoker.
  • Learn all about self-hypnosis or use hypnotherapy to quit smoking. This will help you to keep your motivation and determination to never smoke again going.

Stop Smoking Support

If you require help and support in your battle with quitting smoking, The “National Health Services” can give you tips on how to give up smoking. NHS stop smoking tips consist of downloading an app for your phone that will offer you tips on how to remove cigarettes from your life altogether. You can also read some of their smoking articles, smoking statistics and smoking facts about the effects of smoking, second hand smoking and the dangers of smoking that they provide free of charge.

Why Stop Smoking?

When you ask yourself “Why stop smoking?” the answer should be simply because your life may depend on it. Smoking results in lots of health problems which can also dramatically reduce your life expectancy. If you have children or other loved ones that depend on you, stop smoking for them as well as yourself.

Imagine The Extra Money That You Could Put To Better Use

As challenging as it is to quit smoking, you would be a fool not to because allot depends upon you quitting smoking. If nothing else, consider exactly how much cash you would normally spend on cigarettes and the things you can do with that extra money when you stop smoking for good. Reward yourself and your family with that well deserved holiday that you have always dreamed about with the extra money that you haven’t wasted on cigarettes.

Hypnotherapy near Newcastle upon Tyne To Quit Smoking

If you have tried many of the different stop smoking products on the market like, electronic cigarettes, nicotine patches or nicotine gum and still failed to quit smoking, consider using self hypnosis and hypnotherapy to stop smoking. Clinical hypnotherapist Ian Smith is an Internationally respected hypnotist who is an expert in stop smoking hypnosis.

Contact The Quays Clinic Today

If you are looking for hypnotherapy in Newcastle, Sunderland, Gateshead or County Durham, do not just go to a hypnotherapist just because they are local to you. Be prepared to travel to the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields. Pick up the phone now and call Ian Smith on the telephone number provided below.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D.Hyp  T.F.T  M.A.A.H  C.I.S.H  U.K.C.H.O  N.R.H
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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