Monday 14 April 2014

Social Anxiety | Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy

Social Anxiety

If you have fear or are severely uncomfortable when it comes to social situations of which you think you may be judged by others, this could be a sign of social anxiety. You should take a social anxiety test which you will find on a social anxiety forum. Overcoming social anxiety is possible when you use effective self hypnosis and self hypnotherapy. Some people experience the physical anxious feelings such as their heart rate speeding up, physically shaking, a short of breath, or sweating. Other symptoms of social anxiety can be stuttering, avoiding social engagements, frequently apologizing, or trying to draw the attention away from yourself. Many people end up taking social anxiety medication when receiving social anxiety treatment.

Social Anxiety Symptoms

Social anxiety symptoms can happen in just about any situation that involves yourself and at least one other person. Social anxiety symptoms can be triggered at any time. You may not experience social anxiety disorder in every social situation. Scientists are still studying the causes of social anxiety disorder and are continually coming up with new effective ways to overcome social anxiety and social phobias. A few reasonable explanations do exist. Just as with other anxiety disorders, some health professionals believe it could be hereditary. Other professionals in the NHS believe that some medications can affect our brains neurotransmitters and send these nervous signals in these situations. Finally, one of the biggest causes of social anxiety disorder is our life experiences. Peoples social anxiety symptoms can be caused by being placed in an uncomfortable situation as a child, forced to speak or act when we didn’t want to. When this happens the subconscious mind records the incident. When later in life a similar incident occurs the subconscious mind remembers and kicks in to survival mode by creating the “fight or flight response” where we avoid the situation at all cost.

Is It Normal To Have Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety can be normal and happens to many people. However, when it becomes an excessive and progressive problem, a professional may diagnose it as social anxiety disorder or social phobia. In generalized social phobia, a person carries that fear of judgment no matter what. They may tend to avoid any social engagement. In non-generalized social phobia, there is a particular social situation they are avoiding such as the job interview or speaking with strangers.

A Few Social Anxiety Causes

  • Job interviews
  • Going out alone to a movie or restaurant
  • Speaking with strangers at a social event
  • Public speaking at work
  • Wedding speeches
  • Going to a party
  • Overcrowding
  • Family gatherings

Physical Symptoms Of Social Anxiety

  • Feeling faint or dizzy
  • Diarrhea, nausea, feeling sick
  • Shaking, trembling and stammering
  • Racing heart
  • Tightness in the chest area
  • Shortness of breath
  • Profuse sweating
  • Hot flashes
  • Blushing

Emotional Social Anxiety Symptoms

  • Worrying for long periods of time before an upcoming social event
  • Fear that others will notice that you’re nervous, sweating or twitching
  • Fear of embarrassing or humiliating yourself
  • Feeling self-consciousness in everyday social situations
  • Fear of being judged by others, especially from strangers

Behavioral Symptoms Of Social Anxiety

  • Total avoidance of social situations
  • Keeping quiet and not answering questions by staying in the background to escape notice and embarrassment
  • Having to have a friend or family member with you at all times for support
  • Taking drugs or feeling the need to drink alcohol before any social situation

Social Anxiety Disorder And Depression

Although not likely, social anxiety disorder, social phobias, panic attacks can develop into something more serious like clinical depression if not treated early enough. So it’s good to have a friend or family member watching out for any social anxiety symptoms that might develop. There are many different ways of overcoming social anxiety disorder, do not suffer in silence, hoping the the social anxiety symptoms will just go away. You do not want to end up on social anxiety medication.

Self Hypnotherapy To Overcoming Social Anxiety

Many healthcare professionals that you will see on a social anxiety forum will go the therapeutic route and offer an alternative social anxiety treatment. Some will work with you using cognitive behavioral therapy, emphasizing on structure and skill development. Others will gradually expose you to the situation with a view to desensitizing a person to the event that causes the social anxiety symptoms. Take a social anxiety test online to see if you need help with overcoming social anxiety disorder. If you don’t want to take social anxiety medication then consider using self hypnosis or take some self hypnotherapy training.

Self Hypnotherapy And Social Anxiety Treatment

There are many healthcare professionals that can help people deal with social anxiety symptoms. They range from psychiatrists, to clinical hypnotherapists who use hypnosis hypnotherapy to psychologists, and counselors. By far the best social anxiety treatment is with self hypnosis and self hypnotherapy. Some healthcare professionals feel prescribing medications such as Prozac, Valium, or Zoloft will help. Unfortunately social anxiety medication quite often comes with side effects which cause people further distress.

What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is just mental focused attention or concentration which creates a heightened state of awareness. When a person is in the natural state of hypnosis it resembles daydreaming which people commonly refer to as being in a trance or being in auto pilot. We all know what its like when driving home from work when we cant remember much of the journey because we were in auto pilot having done the same journey many times before. Hypnosis is used in therapy as a tool to by-pass the analyzing part of the mind to gain access to the subconscious mind where all of out habits, behaviors and emotions are stored.

What Is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is just simply the skill of using the tool of hypnosis to change unwanted habits, behaviors and emotions at a subconscious level. Hypnotherapy uses a combination of many different self hypnosis, psychotherapy and NLP techniques.

What Can Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Be Used For?

  • Hypnotherapy anxiety.
  • Hypnotherapy exam nerves.
  • Self hypnotherapy stop smoking.
  • Self hypnotherapy stress management.
  • Hypnotherapy weight loss.
  • Hypnosis video for trauma.
  • Self hypnosis for addictions.
  • Online hypnosis writers block.
  • Hypnotherapy public speaking stress.
  • Hypnotherapy confidence building.
  • Self hypnotherapy interview anxiety.
  • Hypnotherapy panic attacks.
  • Self hypnosis for increasing motivation.
  • Self hypnotherapy sexual problems.
  • Self hypnotherapy difficulty sleeping.
  • Hypnotherapy pain relief.
  • Sports hypnosis.
  • Self Hypnosis quitting smoking.
  • Hypnosis relationship problems.
  • Online hypnosis for relaxation.
  • Hypnotherapy IBS.
  • Hypnotherapy post traumatic stress disorder.
Of course there are many other emotional, physical and psychological problems that hypnosis hypnotherapy can be used for.
Does hypnotherapy work? you bet it does.

Self Hypnosis And Overcoming Social Anxiety Disorder

After taking a social anxiety test online and discovering that you are suffering from social anxiety symptoms try not to be too distressed. Social anxiety disorder or social phobias can be effectively treated by using self hypnosis. You could read some self hypnosis or self hypnotherapy books which will give you some superb tips or ideas about getting rid of your anxiety attacks and panic attacks once and for all. You could also find a hypnotherapist like Ian Smith at the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields who will be able to help you.
As the old saying goes: 
You have nothing to fear but fear itself, face the fear and it will go away.

Overcoming Social Anxiety Social Phobias Fear With Hypnosis

Learn hypnosis from a hypnosis video or do some hypnotherapy training with Ian Smith who will help you to understand that not only does hypnosis work but it is incredibly effective for overcoming many different anxiety related problems. It might just surprise you how easy it is to practice the many different hypnotic techniques.

You Will No Longer Be Asking Yourself 

Is hypnosis real? 

Does hypnosis work?

Does hypnotherapy work? You bet they work.

When you learn hypnosis from a hypnosis video it is nothing like what you see in the children’s game hypnosis Pokemon. When you do some hypnotherapy training with Ian Smith at the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields he will not make you look silly or get you to do the “funky chicken” like what you would see in stage hypnosis. Ian Smith at the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy will help you to eliminate any of  misconceptions about hypnosis that you have possibly hear from friends.

Try This Exercise

Place yourself into the situation that you fear the most making sure that you have a friend with you for support. Then repeat positive self hypnosis, self hypnotherapy affirmations when you think the anxiety is about to start. I know it sounds strange but then “TRY” as hard as you can to bring the panic attack or anxiety attack on. By doing this exercise what you are doing is using reverse psychology. The subconscious mind knows that the word “TRY” means that there is a possibility of failure, so the suggestion to bring the panic attacks or anxiety attacks are not allowed to happen.

The Key To Success When Using Hypnosis Hypnotherapy

The key to overcoming social anxiety using hypnosis hypnotherapy is in the compounding of the positive suggestions or visual images that you give to yourself. The more that you repeat the suggestions in hypnosis the stronger they become. This should stop the social anxiety symptoms before they begin to take effect which means that you don’t end up having to take any social anxiety medication.

Social Anxiety Treatment And Hypnotherapy

If you are taking social anxiety medication and working on the social anxiety causes with hypnosis hypnotherapy on your own and you are still struggling, find a professional hypnotherapist in Newcastle like Ian Smith to help you. Getting some hypnosis and hypnotherapy training will benefit you in many different ways. Watch a hypnosis video and  learn hypnosis. You will discover that in doing so it will be a fantastic investment in your own personal health.

Hypnotherapy In North Shields For Social Anxiety Treatment

Using hypnosis hypnotherapy are a wonderful way to overcome social anxiety symptoms. If you learn hypnosis, self hypnosis or how to use self hypnotherapy for overcoming social anxiety disorders it will benefit you immensely. Look at the social anxiety causes on a social anxiety forum and then seek out some social anxiety treatment using hypnosis at the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields. Hypnotherapist Ian Smith has helped many people with overcoming social anxiety, panic attacks and social phobias.

Contact Quays Clinic Of Hypnotherapy In North Shields

If you are looking to find hypnotherapists in North Shields, Newcastle upon Tyne, Sunderland or County Durham in the North East of England for help with your social anxiety disorder make the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy your first call. Clinical hypnotherapist Ian Smith can help you with your social anxiety treatment because he is an Internationally respected hypnotist who has many years of professional experience in the hypnosis and hypnotherapy business. So why not do a social anxiety test on a social anxiety forum online and discover your causes of social anxiety disorder. If you discover that you need social anxiety treatment contact hypnotist Ian Smith now.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D.Hyp  T.F.T  M.U.F.H  M.A.A.H  U.K.C.H.O  N.R.H  C.I.S.H
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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