Tuesday 8 April 2014

Hypnotherapy Near Newcastle Fast Weight Loss | Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy Newcastle

People have tried all sorts of methods of losing weight. They go on crash diets which do nothing less of add more weight to them because they over eat. Others have tried weight loss pills which can lead to improper usage. Eventually the pills will do nothing to neither curb their appetite nor increase their metabolism. Unfortunately some people become seriously addicted to weight loss tablets. When looking for ways to lose weight exercise and proper dieting are the way to go.

What About Dieting?

Dieting is a way to lose weight fast and some people believe they can just diet and lose weight. Slimming down on your meal portions are great ways to lose weight but you want to keep your muscle mass in order. To lose weight fast exercising makes an excellent combination.
Exercising has been more proven to work with fast weight loss for those who are committed to it. Exercising can’t be done just a few days out of a week when you decide you feel
like it. Exercise is not meant to be easy. If it were we would all be fit. So what happens when you lack the drive and motivation? If you are overweight and need a non-traditional method of losing weight there other options. If you want to learn how to lose weight there is another solution. Some people are raving over their quick weight loss through hypnosis. Yes, hypnosis for weight loss is incredibly effective combined with regular exercise and healthy eating.

How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Lose Weight

Hypnotherapy is a life changing process. Your body and mind are altered. The way you perceive food is different. The way you perceive your body is more respected now. You understand your body is a temple and there is nothing that you are going to do to harm it. Hypnotherapy helps curb your excessive appetite. It focuses you to want to change.

Hypnotherapy Does Not Work Alone

Hypnotherapy can work for fast weight loss. However it will not just shed your pounds off. You need to put effort into your weight loss plan. You have to work at it to lose weight and keep it off. Hypnosis is a push. You will still need to diet and exercise. Most hypnotherapists will suggest dieting and exercising. They will suggest for your new lifestyle to be healthy. There are many who use hypnosis in Newcastle to achieve their weight loss goals.

A Few Weight Loss Tips

  • Keep healthy snacks with you always.
  • Sneak exercise in daily by parking farther away from your place of work. If you live within a reasonable distance to your work just leave the car at home and walk to work.
  • Wake up every day and repeat positive suggestions to yourself about how you are going to be
    successful and that you are not going to give up. This will boost your confidence.
  • Do not do all your shopping for food at a supermarket. If you use the smaller different shops in the town centers you are actually exercising whilst you are shopping for different healthy foods at the same time.
  • If you do not like the idea of going to a gym to exercise you can get exactly the same benefits from going for a long walk three to four times a week.
  • Drink plenty of water. The human body needs approximately six to eight glasses of water per day.
  • Repeatedly visualize yourself in your mind having fun exercising and eating healthy foods.
  • Exercise with a friend or family member. This will help you to become more determined to achieve success by adding a little bit of competitiveness.
  • If you do go shopping only buy healthy food that inspires you.
  • When shopping make a list of the food that you are going to buy before you go. This way you wont end up buying unhealthy food whilst you shop.
  • Eat your food consciously. Put whatever you are eating down between every bite your take.
  • Do not watch television, engage in conversation, read magazines or do anything where you will be focused on something. When a person is focused or concentrating on something natural hypnosis takes place. When you mind is in subconscious mode you are in the non-decision making frame of mind which means your mind wont tell you to stop eating when you are actually full.
  • Use smaller plates when serving your food
  • Don not tell yourself that you cant have some type of food like chocolate, a sweet or a biscuit.
Tell yourself:
“I can have any type of food that I want to, but I choose only to eat healthy food” which will help you to stop any increase in the desire to eat something that you tend to eat too much of.
If you are looking to find hypnotherapy in Newcastle to assist you in slimming down to a natural healthy size simply ask friends or a doctor for a referral or contact clinical hypnotherapist Ian Smith at the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields. Ian Smith has many years of professional experience in the field of hypnosis.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D.Hyp  T.F.T  M.U.F.H  M.A.A.H  U.K.C.H.O  N.R.H  C.I.S.H
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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