Tuesday 8 April 2014

Emotional Problems

There are many reasons why emotional problems in adults, emotional problems in teenagers and emotional problems in men are becoming more and more common in today’s society. Emotional problems tends to be triggered off when a person is subjected to stress, anxiety or trauma. If emotional problems in adults and emotional problems in teenagers are not treated straight away they can lead to having an emotional disorder. Fortunately intermittent explosive disorder and many other emotional disorders can be effectively treated with hypnosis, hypnotherapy and psychotherapy.

Causes Emotional Problems?

For some people their emotional trauma can could be from being isolated as a child, experiencing a traumatic event, the death of a parent, substance abuse or even the side effects of medication. Whatever it may be, these issues can cause a person stress, anger, fear, anxiety, and depression. This is why it’s very important to overcome your emotional problems as soon as it is possible.

Hypnotherapy Sunderland: Emotional Problems In Children

Emotional problems in children are very hard for parents to understand. Its very important for the parents to seek immediate professional help. If the parents don’t seek help, the emotional problems in children will be compounded in strength every time the traumatizing event happens. The emotional problems in children are not like emotional problems in adults or emotional problems in teenagers. The lack of being old enough to make sense of what is happening and being able to communicate effectively with their parents about the way that a child feels is very traumatizing.
  • Tic disorders: Children’s tic disorders can be very upsetting for a parent to witness. Tic disorders in children are where the child repeatedly performs involuntary body movements, jerks or repeated sounds. Its incredibly important that a parent doesn’t chastise the child or constantly bring it to the child’s attention because it will only compound the situation. If the tic that the child has is constantly brought to their attention it can lead to the child becoming paranoid about doing the repeated action.
  • Elimination disorders: These disorders can have a very bad affect on a child’s behavior. Elimination disorders are related to a child having to go to the toilet to get rid of their urine and feces.
  • Anxiety disorders: Children that have anxiety disorders respond to the situations that they face with fear. The physical signs are severe anxiety, nervousness. Children also have symptoms such as sweating, a rapid heartbeat and a tendency to stammer when talking to someone.
  • Disruptive behavior disorders: Children with disruptive behavior disorders tend to be very defiant and wont listen to or follow the rules that they have been given. They can also be very disruptive at school and resent authority when given instructions by adults.
  • Eating disorders: Children that have eating disorders have intense attitudes and emotions that are associated with eating food. They can end up worrying about weight loss or putting on too much weight. This is where the child ends up suffering with Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia.
  • Affective (mood) disorders: These disorders involve persistent feelings of being very unhappy or very sad. The mood of a child with this disorder can change instantly.
  • Schizophrenia: An incredible serious disorder where the child’s thoughts and perceptions can be distorted. It would be very wise for a parent to seek immediate help from the families local doctor or from a specialist in the healthcare profession.
  • Pervasive development disorders: Children with pervasive development disorders have very little to no understanding about the world that they live in.

Emotional Problems In Teenagers

Emotional problems in teenagers are very common. Teenagers tend to go through many different problems both at school, in relationships with the opposite sex and with their own family members. Many teenagers find becoming an adult very traumatizing when they have to start dealing with the responsibilities of being an adult. When put under pressure to make important decisions that they are not yet used to dealing with, the stress and anxiety causes emotional outbursts of anger and rage.
  • Health: Many teenagers constantly worry about their bodies changing as they are becoming an adult. They have many concerns about the way that they look physically. They become concerned about being overweight or being thin as well as many other things.
  • Happiness: Teenagers are always concerned about being happy both at home, at school and in their relationships with other people.
  • Love: Teenagers that are looking to find love face one of the biggest problems that they will come across in their lives. Many times when forming relationships they will come across rejection which is very hard to accept. Rejection can cause a wide range of emotional problems like anger, frustration, guilt and feelings of insecurity.
  • Starting a new school: In the eventuality that a teenager has to start a new school when a family moves location. Some teenagers find it very difficult to fit in and become incredibly upset. Its also causes allot of frustration and anger of having to leave their old friends behind.
  • Managing Conflict: Having to deal with confrontation causes allot of emotional problems in teenagers.
  • Effects of Bullying: Bullying has to be one of the worst problems that a teenager faces. Bullying causes some horrific emotional problems like, anger, rage, low self worth, low self esteem, feelings of being isolated and negative thoughts of not being liked by others.
  • Anxiety & Fear: Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) can cause emotional problems. Teenagers end up avoiding social events and meeting people that they don’t know. They also avoid places where there are crowds of people.
  • Self-Esteem anxiety: Teenagers suffer from many different self esteem issues like having no confidence and not feeling loved or wanted.
  • Anger: A very common occurrence in teenagers especially when they used to getting their own way. Many teenagers find it difficult to accept change which must happen when they have to start accepting adult responsibilities.
  • Jealousy: A very big problem for teenagers in relationships especially where rejection takes place.
  • Envy: We live in very difficult times at the moment when it comes to our finances. Its hard for some teenagers to accept that some people are far better off than than they are. When they see others with possessions that they can only dream out it causes allot of anxiety and distress.
  • Shyness: Having a quiet personality and being a bit shy and not as outgoing as others is a big problem for many teenagers.
  • Repeating a year at school: Feeling that you have failed and having to repeat a year at school can be incredibly upsetting which can cause many different emotional problems in teenagers, especially when all of your friends are moving on.
  • Harassment & Abuse: This can happen to teenagers who have a different type of personality to others that are around them. Bullying is one of the biggest causes of emotional problems in children and emotional problems in teenagers.
  • Communication: Not being understood by others can lead to frustration, anger and even rage.
  • Discrimination: Its a fact of life that discrimination causes an immense amount of emotional problems in teenagers. It can quite often happen because of a persons color, race, disability, religious beliefs or quite simply because a person just has different ways of doing things that others around them don’t understand.

Hypnotherapy Sunderland: Emotional Problems In Adults

Many of the signs of emotional problems in adults tend to be more severe than in emotional problems in teenagers which can be associated with other problems such as the inability to sleep, loss of appetite, or feeling hopeless. Hypnotherapy training can help with these problems. Many emotional problems like intermittent explosive disorder in adults can be also be very severe. These feelings could be from stress at work, in a relationship or with family members. Self hypnosis and self hypnotherapy are superb for treating intermittent explosive disorder. With a little bit of hypnotherapy training from a professional hypnotherapist like Ian Smith at the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields you literally can become your own therapist and overcome your own anxiety disorders.

Hypnotherapy Sunderland: Negative Thoughts

If emotional disorders continue for a long period of time they can also involve having extremely bad negative thoughts. Many emotional problems in adults can stop them from concentrating on their family life which can cause alcohol abuse or substance abuse. In the more extreme cases some people end up having many negative thoughts of suicide. If this situation sounds failure to you this is a serious issue, do not delay in getting some professional help and advice. Talk to your doctor and then contact a professional clinical hypnotherapist like Ian Smith who provides self hypnosis and self hypnotherapy training in North Shields. Do not suffer in silence because there are many hypnotherapy anxiety treatments that Ian Smith can help you with.

Hypnotherapy Sunderland: Emotional Problems In Men

  • Anger and anxiety: Many emotional problems in men come from anxiety in a marriage, relationship or at work.
  • Stress: Most emotional problems in men are  related to stress. Many men that have emotional problems complain about having feelings of irritation, frustration, and anger. Many of these symptoms can be seen when men suffer from intermittent explosive disorder.
  • Procrastination: Has to be one of the biggest causes of emotional problems in men and women. Things just never get done when people procrastinate and it causes huge many arguments in relationships and in the workplace.
  • Anger: At work and in relationships.
  • Avoidance: Avoiding social situations and people in relationships can cause emotional disorders.
  • Success: Having a fear of success can also cause really bad emotional problems in men.
  • Self-sabotage: When someones makes a mistake they push the mental self destruct button in the mind.
  • Addictions: Alcohol addiction, drug addiction, sexual addiction, gambling addiction.
  • Depression: Clinical depression can lead to having suicidal thoughts.
  • Relationship problems anxiety: Divorce stress, relationship stress and not feeling loved in a relationship can cause catastrophic emotional problems in men. If you can list emotional problems like this in a relationship then you need to do something about your emotional problems straight away.

Emotional Problems And Anxiety

There are many things you can do yourself to help resolve your emotional problems and anxiety. First of all take things one step at a time. Emotional problems in men, emotional problems in teenagers and emotional problems in children can be effectively treated. If you are looking for help with emotional disorders that cause you allot of anxiety consider using hypnotherapy in Newcastle upon Tyne at the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy. Issues such as grief, bereavement and the loss of a loved one can be successfully treated with self hypnosis and self hypnotherapy.

The Quays Clinic Of Hypnotherapy In North Shields

Clinical hypnotherapist Ian Smith has many years of professional experience in helping people to overcome emotional problems in adults, emotional problems in teenagers and emotional problems in men. Its a travesty when we lose a loved one which causes many different emotional disorders in adults and emotional problems in children. Hypnotist Ian Smith will help you to control your emotional disorders which will allow you to grieve. If you’ve lost a loved one and have the symptoms of intermittent explosive disorder, spontaneous anger, frustration, mood swings and tension contact your doctor and clinical hypnotherapist Ian Smith at the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields who will be able to help you.

Hypnotherapy For Emotional Problems: Stress And Anxiety

Work on reducing your stress levels to overcome your emotional disorders and intermittent explosive disorder. Get involved in a hobby and which will help you to reduce the stress and anxiety that you have. Take some time out for yourself by practicing some self hypnotherapy which will help you to recharge your physical and mental strength. Focus on yourself for a change and not others around you. If you are constantly taking care of everyone else, you are not looking after yourself. Friends and family members will understand.

Talk To Your Doctor

Its incredibly important to talk to a professional who understands everything about emotional disorders in adults, emotional disorders in teenagers and emotional disorders in men. If you have exhausted all of your own options to deal with your own emotional disorders, talking to your doctor is absolutely necessary. You can’t go through life feeling emotionally drained and reacting negatively to all the situations you encounter in life. Your doctor will possibly refer you to a professional hypnotherapist like Ian Smith at the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields, a family counselor, or even group counseling. You will need to explain to your doctor about the situations that cause your emotional problems and explain to the doctor about how they make you feel. In many cases doctors will just prescribe medication to help with the stress and anxiety. Unfortunately many medications come with side effects and are only a temporary solution to the emotional problems in adults and emotional problems in children.

Hypnotherapy Sunderland For Emotional Problems

If you are looking to find hypnotherapy near Sunderland, Newcastle upon Tyne or County Durham for overcoming emotional problems call the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields today. Clinical hypnotherapist Ian Smith has many years of professional experience in helping his clients to overcome emotional problems and emotional disorders. Ian Smith is an Internationally respected hypnotherapist who has helped many of his clients to overcome emotional problems in adults, emotional problems in teenagers and women’s emotional problems.

What Is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is just simply the skill of using the tool of hypnosis to change unwanted habits, behaviors and emotions at a subconscious level. Hypnotherapy uses a combination of psychotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and hypnotherapy training techniques. Clinical hypnotherapy can be used to create change in a persons life where many other therapies and medication have failed. Consider doing some self hypnotherapy training and you will discover that is is possible to change your life for the better. There are many hypnotherapy weight loss tips and hypnotherapy anxiety treatments that are available to use.

What Can Hypnotherapy Be Used For?

  • Hypnotherapy exam nerves
  • Hypnotherapy weight management
  • Self hypnotherapy stop smoking
  • Hypnotherapy pain relief
  • Hypnotherapy wedding speech anxiety
  • Self hypnotherapy stress management
  • Self hypnotherapy interview anxiety
  • Hypnotherapy confidence building
  • Self hypnotherapy sexual dysfunction
  • Hypnotherapy panic attacks
  • Self hypnotherapy sleeping problems
  • Hypnotherapy eating disorders
  • Hypnotherapy anxiety
  • Self hypnotherapy habit disorders
  • Hypnotherapy addiction
  • Hypnotherapy training emotional disorders
  • Hypnotherapy weight loss
  • Hypnotherapy training stress relief
  • Self hypnotherapy post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Hypnotherapy cancer stress and anxiety
  • Hypnotherapy overcome fear
  • Hypnotherapy social anxiety
  • Hypnotherapy low self esteem
  • Hypnotherapy increase motivation
  • Hypnotherapy ego strengthening
  • Hypnotherapy relationship problems
  • Hypnotherapy low self worth
  • Hypnotherapy anger management
  • Hypnotherapy social phobias
  • Hypnotherapy IBS
  • Hypnotherapy sports
  • Hypnotherapy bullying stress
  • Hypnotherapy habit disorders
  • Hypnotherapy dental disorders
  • Hypnotherapy skin disorders
  • Self hypnotherapy training
  • Hypnotherapy weight management
  • Hypnotherapy bereavement
Of course there are many other emotional, physical and psychological problems that hypnotherapy can be used for.
Does hypnotherapy work? you bet it does.

Contact The Quays Clinic Of Hypnotherapy In North Shields

If you are looking to find hypnotherapy in Sunderland, Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead or County Durham in the North East Of England be prepared to travel to the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields. Clinical hypnotherapist Ian Smith is an Internationally respected hypnotherapist who has many years of full time experience using self hypnotherapy for emotional problems in men, emotional problems in adults and with women’s emotional problems.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D.Hyp  T.F.T  M.U.F.H  N.R.H  U.K.C.H.O  C.I.S.H  M.A.A.H
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields near Newcastle upon Tyne.
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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