Friday 11 April 2014

Hypnotherapy For Interview Anxiety | Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy Interview Anxiety

 If you have an interview coming up and you are feeling stressed about it, the chances are that you have an interview anxiety disorder which can lead to interview depression. If you don’t find a way to overcome the job interview anxiety you might end up having to take interview anxiety medication. So its incredibly important to get some interview anxiety help. Some people are so nervous about the interview; that it could botch up their chances of getting the position that they have applied for. Its important when going to an interview to appear confident and not like a nervous, unprepared individual. Some people can experience memory loss, become self-conscious, get dizzy, experience insomnia and end up stammering during the interview. They can find the whole situation as being so traumatic that it can also cause post interview anxiety.
Many people may never overcome the anxiety entirely, but do ease interview anxiety by using hypnosis and hypnotherapy near Gateshead at the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields. You no longer need to keep on suffering from interview social anxiety. Pick up the phone and phone hypnotherapist Ian Smith today. Hypnotist Ian Smith is an Internationally respected therapist who has many years of full time hypnosis hypnotherapy training. The Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields has helped many of their hypnotherapy clients to overcome interview anxiety for good.

Hypnotherapy Gateshead Interview Social Anxiety

Be well prepared before your interview which will help you to reduce the physical and mental stress that interview anxiety disorder and interview depression cause. Find out all you can about the position, the interviewers, and the company. You should know of any recent news on the company and can find out on their website. Make sure to notice any operational changes such as a new CEO or growth of the company.

Social Media Resources

The best way to find the ins of a company is to use your social media resources. See if there is anyone, you can contact on LinkedIn to find out more about the position. They may have great insider information for you.

Know The Job Description

Make sure you understand the job description and what is being asked of you which will also help with your job interview anxiety and ease interview anxiety after the interview. If there are any skills that are required that you do not have, be prepared to explain how that will not be a problem. If time permits, brush up on learning that skill and consult hypnotherapist Ian Smith at the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields for some hypnotherapy training. When you learn hypnosis you will understand just how easy it is treat post interview anxiety and ease interview anxiety without having to be prescribed interview anxiety medication. Interview anxiety help is very important because your happiness at work and financial wealth may depend upon it.

Drive By The Company

Some people are nervous about their style of dress for an interview which causes job interview anxiety. They may feel they are over or under dressed. To ease interview anxiety stress call into the company and ask for some additional information about the company. Not only does this look good, the secretary will remember you and perhaps mention you to her manager. This is also a wonderful opportunity to see how other employes are dressed so that you can dress similar when attending your job interview. Dressing smart is always the way forward which will help you to stand out against your competition. You will be seen as a very confident person and they will be the ones that need interview anxiety help.

Get Plenty Of Rest The Night Before

Its very important to get plenty of rest the night before. If you feel so anxious that you can’t sleep because you are worrying about you interview anxiety disorder, practice some self hypnosis and self hypnotherapy which will help you to relax and help you to stop thinking about your interview anxiety disorder. If working out makes you feel tired, do that. Take a long walk or clean your home. You could also take a relaxing bath with lavender bath oils. If you truly can’t sleep, just laying down and resting will be better than staying up all night.

Hypnotherapy Gateshead Overcoming Interview Anxiety

Interview anxiety can be overcome by following these steps:
  • Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to find a parking spot, get inside the building which will help to ease interview anxiety because you are not feeling rushed.
  • Take a quick peek at yourself in the mirror to make sure that you are presentable. This will also help with your job interview anxiety.
  • Bring extra copies of your resume for any unexpected interviewers and one for yourself to review.
  • Have your references in case you need to list them on your application.
  • Ease interview anxiety by Practicing your self hypnosis and self hypnotherapy training techniques that hypnotherapist Ian Smith trained you to use at the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields.

Hypnotherapy Gateshead Overcoming Interview Anxiety

If you are looking to find hypnotherapy near Gateshead for your interview anxiety disorder, post interview anxiety or interview depression clinical hypnotherapist Ian Smith can help you. Over the many years that Hypnotist Ian Smith has been a professional hypnotherapist in North Shields he has successfully helped many people with their job interview anxiety. Please dont suffer in silence call Ian Smith for some interview anxiety help today.

What Is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is the skill of using hypnosis, psychotherapy, counseling, neuro linguistic programming (NLP) and many other therapeutic techniques to change unwanted habits, behaviors and emotions at a subconscious level. In the hands of a professional therapist like Ian Smith at the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy near Gateshead hypnotherapy produces amazing results for job interview anxiety.
Clinical hypnotherapy can be used for many different emotional, physical and psychological problems:
  • Hypnotherapy weight loss
  • Hypnotherapy anxiety
  • Hypnotherapy training for self development
  • Hypnotherapy quit smoking
  • Hypnotherapy pain relief
  • Hypnotherapy public speaking anxiety
  • Hypnotherapy build confidence
  • Hypnotherapy panic attacks
  • Hypnotherapy sexual problems

Does hypnotherapy work?

Self hypnotherapy and self hypnosis can produce absolutely amazing results where many other therapies and medications have failed to help.

What Is Hypnosis?

All hypnosis is just self hypnosis. Hypnosis is simply mental concentrated focused attention which creates a heightened state of awareness. When someone is in the natural state of hypnosis it resembles daydreaming which people commonly refer to as being in a trance like state of mind. We all know what its like when we are driving home from work and we miss a turn off on the motorway because we were in auto pilot and also cant remember much of the journey. This happens because the journey is something that has been repeatedly done many times before which makes its perfectly safe for the subconscious mind to take over control. Hypnosis is used in therapy to by-pass the analyzing part of the mind to gain access to the subconscious mind where all of our emotions, habits and behaviors.

Is hypnosis real?

Does hypnosis work?

You bet it is real and does work. Its nothing like what you see in the children’s game hypnosis Pokemon. Most people first see the phenomenon of hypnosis take place at a stage hypnosis show. Rest assured that when you book your hypnosis hypnotherapy training session at the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields you will not be doing the “funky chicken” or handing over control to anyone.
  • You cant be forced to do anything that you don’t want to do in hypnosis
  • You will only accept suggestions that you truly want in hypnosis
  • You cant get stuck in hypnosis
  • You can exit hypnosis any time that you like
  • You are not under hypnosis because the phenomenon is actually a heightened state of mental awareness.
  • You are not asleep when in hypnosis
Study some online hypnosis techniques, watch a hypnosis video and then learn self hypnosis at the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields. You will discover when you do some self hypnosis or self hypnotherapy training just what an incredible investment in your physical health and mental health hypnosis and hypnotherapy are.

What Can Hypnosis Be Used For?

  • Sports hypnosis
  • Hypnosis weight loss
  • Hypnosis stop smoking
  • Hypnosis stress management
  • Hypnosis bullying anxiety
  • Hypnosis weight management
  • Hypnosis exam nerves
  • Hypnosis studying
  • Hypnosis irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Hypnosis post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Find Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy In Gateshead?

If you are looking to find hypnosis hypnotherapy in Gateshead, Newcastle upon Tyne or Sunderland be prepared to travel. The hypnotherapy business is not yet regulated which means that anyone can do a long distance online hypnosis weekend course and then call themselves a hypnotherapist. There are also many other so-called hypnotherapists that make unfounded claims of being 80%, 90% or even 100% effective. If a hypnotherapist in Gateshead makes such a claim ask them to prove it (they wont be able to). Its nothing more than a marketing ploy to gain more customers.

Quays Clinic Of Hypnotherapy In North Shields

Clinical hypnotherapist Ian Smith offers honesty, integrity, many full time professional years of experience and a 100% confidential service. Hypnotists Ian Smith work is based around some of the most advanced, fast and effective hypnosis hypnotherapy techniques. If you suffer from interview anxiety, a interview anxiety disorder or interview depression or post interview anxiety call Ian Smith now.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D.Hyp  T.F.T  N.R.H  U.K.C.H.O  C.I.S.H  M.U.F.H  M.A.A.H
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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