Wednesday 9 April 2014

How Do You Stop Smoking | Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy

Quit Smoking Today

If you’ve finally decided the risk to your health is just not worth it, congratulations to you and your efforts in quitting smoking. There are thousands of people trying to quit smoking on a daily basis. Smoking is like a disease. With most diseases it is curable if you are willing to go the extra mile and put forth the effort in treatments.

Knowledge Is Power

If you have a smoking addiction you are not alone. Millions of people have this habit. Everyone knows the bad effects it has on a person’s health and yet they all still smoke. It’s like a drug. There are many television ads, radio, and online marketing about smoking and its effects. You have your own reasons for smoking even though you knew the effects. You can’t keep beating yourself up because it’s now in the past. You are now focusing on how to stop smoking. Educating yourself and talking to other people is the beginning stages to stop smoking.

Exploring Your Options

When seeking options on how to quit smoking you have a vast range of options. You can take medicines or seek therapies. Smoking is a mind thing in the first place. It alters your state of mind and mood.
  • Some people have to keep their hands busy. When you smoke you are constantly moving your hand back and forth to smoke. This action alone could be steady for you. Keep your hands busy. Keep a medicine ball where you can squeeze it if you feel a craving. You can also keep rubberbands or string and twist your fingers through them.
  • Keep your mouth busy. There are others that thrive off of the smoke being inhaled. It’s a sense with their mouths. To offset the urge you can chew gum. The constant chewing will take your mind off of wanting the cigarette. You’ll notice you don’t see many people smoking and chewing gum at the same time.
  • As another alternative and new option, hypnotizing is a way to stop smoking. When undergoing hypnotherapy, it’susually under the suggestion of a doctor. Hypnosis is putting a person into a relaxed trance. They are almost fully asleep. They are still alert in a sense. They are conscious of what is going on around them andfully capable of walking and talking and interpreting things in this trance.
When you’re ready to stop smoking support is available for you. If you have family, friends, and other counselors they can be there every step of the way. Let them know of your intentions so they can hold you to it. You may have gotten into smoking alone but you don’t have to get out of it alone.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D.Hyp  T.F.T  M.U.F.H  M.A.A.H  U.K.C.H.O  N.R.H  C.I.S.H
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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