Monday 7 April 2014

Dangers Of Smoking - Quays Clinic Of Hypnotherapy | Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy

Stop Smoking

Many individuals who attempt to quit smoking cigarettes going cold turkey have very little success. Others will try to stop smoking with many of the different stop cigarette smoking products that are on the marketplace like nicotine patches, electronic cigarettes and nicotine gum with little to no success. Nevertheless, those who have participated in stop smoking hypnotherapy have quit smoking with a high success rate after just one or two sessions. Stop smoking hypnosis gets right to the heart of why people smoke. When the reasons to smoke are eliminated so is the need to smoke.

Smoking Articles Smoking Facts

If you read many of the different smoking articles, smoking facts about second hand smoking, the effects of smoking and the dangers of smoking online it should convince you that its time for you to quit smoking. The reality is that smoking cigarettes does not benefit a person in any way. What smoking can and does do is cause thousands of fatalities all around the world as well as causing immense suffering from lung cancer, lip cancer, mouth cancers and heart disease.

Smoking Statistics

  • It is estimated that 102,000 people died in 2009 from smoking-related diseases including cancers.
  • Around 86% of lung cancer deaths in the UK are caused by tobacco smoking.
  • Overall, tobacco smoking is estimated to be responsible for more  than a quarter of cancer deaths in the UK, that is, around 43,000 deaths in 2009. Tobacco smoke is estimated to have caused approximately 60,000 cases of cancer in the UK in 2010.
  • One person dies every 5 minutes in America from cancer caused by  smoking cigarettes. One every 5 minutes is more deaths than automobile  accidents, AIDS, suicides, medicine overdose and alcohol poisoning  incorporated.
  • In 2014 the smoking statistics about smoking related illnesses in  the USA and UK are absolutely staggering. Don’t give anymore of your hard worked for money to tobacco companies who couldn’t care less about  you. Do yourself and your family a favor and quit smoking today.

Other Alarming Smoking Statistics

Some of the other alarming smoking statistics include that the life span of somebody who smokes is approximately 10 years less than somebody who does not smoke. Smoking relevant fatalities are normally very drawn out and painful too. There are nearly 17,000 kids under the age of 5 that are treated at medical facilities and hospitals each year from health problems that are linked to second hand smoking.

What Are Best Ways To Stop Smoking

According to many of the different smoking articles, smoking facts and smoking statistics online that list dangers of smoking and the effects of smoking, most come to the same conclusion. The best way to stop smoking is to use stop smoking hypnosis. Hypnotherapy can help you to overcome nicotine withdrawal symptoms as well as help you with the stress and anxiety that many people experience when giving up smoking.

Why Stop Smoking Cigarettes?

Think of the money you will save! Just take a moment to think about this for a minute: if you smoke a packet of cigarettes each and every day, you are wasting at least £3000.00 every single year to support a bad habit. Consider all the other things you can do with the extra money when you stop smoking. More importantly is the simple fact that you will have stopped poisoning yourself and your health and fitness will dramatically improve.

Hypnotherapy To Stop Smoking

Smoking dependency using other stop smoking products can be difficult to beat. For most people who use hypnotherapy to quit smoking it takes only one to two sessions to give up smoking. Using hypnosis to stop smoking you will be pleasantly surprised about just how easy it is to give up smoking for good. A hypnotherapy session will typically start with a comprehensive talk about your history and why cigarette smoking has become a part of your life. The hypnotherapist will then work with you to eliminate all of the smoking triggers that creates the desire to smoke.

Contact The Quays Clinic Of Hypnotherapy

If you are looking for hypnotherapy in Newcastle upon Tyne to stop smoking contact clinical hypnotherapist Ian Smith. Hypnotist Ian Smith is an Internationally respected therapist who is an expert in stop smoking hypnosis. If you need help with stopping smoking, pick up the phone and call Ian Smith on the telephone number provided below.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D.Hyp  T.F.T  M.A.A.H  M.U.F.H  C.I.S.H  N.R.H  U.K.C.H.O
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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