Monday 7 April 2014

Best Ways To Quit Smoking | Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy

How To Quit Smoking

If you are looking for the best ways to stop smoking the first thing that you need to have is the desire to do so. The second thing that you will need to do is to read as many smoking articles, smoking facts, smoking statistics about the effects of smoking, second hand smoking and the dangers of smoking. People that are forced to stop using many of the other smoking products on the market like nicotine patches, electronic cigarettes (ecigs) and nicotine gum have an 80-percent failure rate.
The desire to quit smoking has to be higher than the need in order to be successful. In addition to that primary step it is advisable to join a stop smoking support group. Without a stop smoking support system in place some people find it tough to fight the cravings and don’t make it past the very first few days. Using hypnosis to stop smoking you will discover that you do not have to suffer from stress and anxiety when stopping smoking because hypnosis is extremely efficient at stopping nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Stop Smoking Products

There are lots of stop smoking products in the marketplace to help you quit smoking. The most popular smoking cessation products are nicotine patches, nicotine gum and stop smoking inhalers which are commonly know as electronic cigarettes (e cigs). They all work well for a small amount of individuals but the online smoking articles that list the smoking statistics state that the vast majority of people that use these stop smoking methods quickly lapse and start smoking again.

How To Combat Cravings For Cigarettes

To combat the oral cravings, boiled sweets and chewing gum occasionally work. Those that smoke menthol cigarettes will in some cases take advantage of mint seasoned sweet and gum. The non-menthol smokers quite commonly enjoy cinnamon flavored sweets. Other than these stop smoking methods, by far the best way to quit smoking is with hypnotherapy. Clinical hypnotherapy deals with the reasons as to why you smoke and eliminates them which then eliminates the desire to smoke.

What Is Nicotine Gum?

Nicotine enhanced chewing gum is just chewing gum that contains nicotine which is used to suppress any cravings for nicotine that a person has. While it does contain some nicotine, it is not nearly enough to totally stop a craving for a cigarette. The taste does subside rapidly and the effect is lost usually within 30 minutes.

Nicotine Gum And Nicotine Mouth Sprays

Numerous cigarette smokers that are trying to quit smoking combine nicotine gum with a nicotine mouth spray but sadly this approach is not very effective for quitting smoking. The nicotine spray enters the pores in your mouth and is expected to last longer than the gum. In reality according to many of the smoking articles, smoking facts and smoking statistics online they are both very ineffective for helping a person to give up smoking for good.

What About Stop Smoking Medication?

For those that have attempted to give up numerous times and failed to give up smoking they often try Chantix which is a prescription stop smoking medication that still permits you to smoke for the very first week of use. The company that produces Chantix claim that It is designed to slowly lower your cravings and have you smoke-free within as little as a few weeks with no nicotine cravings. Similar to any medication, there are negative effects and some can be major. The most typical is increased anxiety and irritability.

What About Electronic Cigarettes?

There is also another method to quit smoking cigarettes and that is using an e cigarettes, or electronic cigarettes. Some do include nicotine and is said to be insufficient nicotine to cause any further lung damage. The electronic cigarettes are readily available in numerous flavors and emit just water vapor. No unsafe chemicals are sent out into the air. The downside of these is that they are costly and do need charging. Another issue with e-cigarettes is that they still do not break the psychological and physical habit of putting a cigarette to your mouth.

Stop Smoking Facts

As you can see from reviewing the smoking facts above there are many different options for quitting smoking. Some individuals have the willpower to give up cigarette smoking utilizing “cold turkey” and never ever lapse. For the vast majority of other people, this is never the case. Discover the alternatives and decide which technique will work best for you. It is completely acceptable to try a number of stop smoking methods before finding the method that works best for you.

Stop Smoking Hypnosis

If you have tried many of these stop smoking products available and still failed to give up smoking, give hypnotist Ian Smith a call at the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields. Hypnotist Ian Smith is an Internationally respected specialist in stop smoking hypnosis.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D. Hyp  T.F.T  M.U.F.H  M.A.A.H  U.K.C.H.O  N.R.H  C.I.S.H.
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields.
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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