Thursday, 17 April 2014

What Is Self-Hypnosis | Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy


Naturally, there are some individuals that still see hypnosis as being in a magical or mystical state. However, the state of self-hypnosis is really not that much different from the dazed state that an individual is in when they are deep in thought or daydreaming. There are also certain tasks that can be associated with being in a self-hypnosis state including: driving home from work, reading a book, playing a video game, or watching a movie.

Self Hypnosis Self Development

Most individuals utilize self-hypnosis to assist in their psychological wellness or their personal growth. This is because there are a lot of theories that revolve around the fact that a lot of personal problems, physical problems, and harmful addictions originate from negative thoughts in an individual’s subconscious mind. This can include problems such as being overweight or trying to overcome an addiction to smoking. A large number of individuals have found weight loss hypnosis and hypnosis for smoking to be very helpful in removing the negative thoughts that are preventing them from overcoming their problems.

Self-Hypnosis Training

Instructions on how to perform self-hypnosis varies depending on whether an individual is using self-hypnosis audio or not. However, the general guidelines for the process are more or less the same. The first thing a person needs to know about self-hypnosis is that it should always be done in a place that is free of disturbances and disruptions. It should also be done while the body is seated in a comfortable position and the individual’s eyes are closed. An individual should start by taking several deep breaths. Then, they will focus on a cue or an image in order to transcend to a hypnotic state. A cue can involve things such as imagining that you are sinking down into your chair, counting backwards, or focusing on a single noise in the room and blocking everything else out. It may even help to imagine that you are slowly moving down a staircase or flowing along a waterway.

Self-Hypnosis And Affirmations

Once an individual has achieved a state of self-hypnosis, a set of affirmations or instructions are given that will help an individual to achieve their goal. This would be where the hypnotism is able to play a role in helping an individual to stop smoking or to overcome an eating disorder. The difference between self-hypnosis and having a hypnotist hypnotize you is that fact that the individual will not be in as deep of a trance because they must retain enough awareness to make self-suggestions. Obviously, there are some skeptics in regards to whether self-hypnosis can even nearly as successful or beneficial as using a hypnotist. However, it is a great relaxation technique and can really help someone to focus on figuring out what negative thoughts are bringing them down.


Hypnotherapy is the act of using hypnosis, self-hypnosis, hypnotism, or a hypnotist as a form of therapy. The goal is to bring someone (or to bring yourself) to a hypnotic state in an attempt to heal. The healing process usually involves fighting an addition, overcoming an eating disorder, or battling other personal problems. While the reasons for using hypnotherapists tend to vary from one person to the next it is usually in order to achieve some sort of personal goal. An individual can utilize self-hypnosis to achieve hypnotherapy with a little hypnotherapy training. Fortunately, there are tons of free self-hypnosis resources and hypnotherapy downloads readily available for anyone who wants to pursue this method of healing.

Learning To Use Self-Hypnosis

If you are looking to find self hypnosis training in Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead, Sunderland or County Durham contact clinical hypnotherapist Ian Smith. Hypnotist Ian Smith is an Internationally respected qualified self-hypnosis instructor.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D.Hyp  T.F.T  M.U.F.H  M.A.A.H  U.K.C.H.O  N.R.H  C.I.S.H
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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