Wednesday, 16 April 2014

What Is Alcohol Addiction | Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy

Alcohol And Alcoholism

Some people do not really know the truth about alcohol, because they do not have a problem with it. There are those that can have a couple of drinks and be just fine stopping. Those who cannot stop know the dangers the effects of alcohol can bring. These are the people who lose their jobs, their relationships, their families, and sometimes their lives. Whether they die of alcohol poisoning or they lose their freedom from an alcohol related incident.

What Is Alcoholism?

If you ask yourself, what is alcoholism, then you probably come up with the simple answer of someone who drinks to excess. The truth is alcoholics have a type of sickness, and for them drinking alcohol becomes a lot more than just a fun night out with friends.

What Are The Signs Of Alcoholism?

There are a few signs of alcoholism that you can look for if you are concerned about a friend or family members. Some of the early signs of an alcoholic are that someone is intoxicated often. They may drink until they black out or become violent. It goes beyond a drink here and there, as it becomes obvious that he or she cannot stop. When alcohol becomes a huge part of someone’s life, they start to have a problem maintaining their status with employment, family and friend relationships, and their freedom. Some alcoholics will even take the extreme risk of driving while intoxicated just to go and get more booze. They start to show no regard for their life, or the lives of others.

Are You An Alcoholic?

Often the alcoholic will start to be less responsible and miss work or even worse neglect their children. This is a disease that will often separate mothers and fathers from their children because of the hold it can have on them. Sometimes it is just a gene that has been passed down, and sometimes there are traumatic events that the person is trying to escape from. Whatever it is these dependent people often need a lot of help to stop.
There are also some telling symptoms of alcohol and alcoholism. Besides the embarrassing results of getting into trouble with the law, and making all of their loved ones mad, alcoholism can have a huge effect on the overall health of the person as well. The dependence on alcohol can become so severe that someone will have severe withdraws if they do not drink. Their motor skills are affected, their livers are affected, and their minds are affected. They are basically slowly poisoning their body, and could die from it if they do not get the help they need.

Drinking Too Much Alcohol Or Binge Drinking?

If you or someone you love has a problem with alcohol, you can talk to someone about getting help. Often alcoholics are so lost they need someone to help them find their way back home. It is worth it to get help before it’s too late, the only thing you can do is try. Contact your local Doctor for further help advice or information.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D.Hyp  T.F.T  M.U.F.H  M.A.A.H  U.K.C.H.O  N.R.H  C.I.S.H
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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