Monday 14 April 2014

The Best Way To Stop Smoking – Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy

The Best Way To Stop Smoking

Best Ways To Stop SmokingIf you are looking to find the best ways to stop smoking its very important to look online for some smoking articles that will give you all of the smoking statistics and stop smoking facts about the dangers of smoking. You will discover that the effects of smoking and second hand smoking can seriously damage a persons health and fitness. Some of the more common cancers caused by smoking are lung cancer, lip cancer and mouth cancer. So what is the best way to stop smoking? Many people who have previously tried other stop smoking products like nicotine patches, nicotine gum or electronic cigarettes and failed to stop eventually use hypnosis and hypnotherapy for quitting smoking which is by far the easiest way to give up smoking for good.

What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a tool which is used as a method of behavior modification which is utilized in a variety of fields including dentistry, police force, sports and medicine. Self-hypnosis is used in professionally controlled sessions to help clients change destructive or unhealthy habits, replacing them with healthier alternatives. Practitioners of hypnotherapy in Newcastle can assist their clients in quitting smoking in just one or two sessions.
Most people have little understanding of the way hypnosis works and how hypnotherapy sessions can help even lifelong smokers to quit smoking. Hypnosis is a heightened state of mental awareness when focused attention takes place both in animals and humans. When hypnosis takes place we tend to be in a daydream like state where we are more aware of our surroundings (what we see, feel, touch, smell and taste) but are not in an analyzing, thinking or decision making mindset.

Quitting Smoking Questions And Answers

1. What type of hypnotherapist will help me stop smoking? If you want to stop smoking, you should find a hypnotherapist who focuses on individual needs and can tailor the hypnosis sessions per client’s specific triggers and habits individually.
2. I already know how to stop smoking. What will hypnosis contribute to what I already know? Our minds work on both conscious and unconscious levels. You use your conscious mind to make decisions, think, and decide to act or not to act. The unconscious mind is in control of our cravings and habits. Although many people “know how to stop smoking” with their conscious minds, they still continue to smoke, because the unconscious mind is very powerful. When you undertake hypnosis to stop smoking, the hypnotherapist communicates directly with your unconscious mind, changing those thought patterns that make you crave the nicotine or the habitual routines involved in smoking.
3. How can I stop smoking without being irritable? Many people’s efforts to quit smoking are derailed because of the emotional and physical withdrawal they experience. With hypnosis, it is “suggested” to your unconscious mind that you will be energetic and cheerful, and the irritability never occurs. Also, a component of the hypnosis session involves providing a set of automatic skills for dealing with any physical withdrawal symptoms.
4. How do you stop smoking without putting on weight? Many people trying to quit replace the habit of putting a cigarette in their mouth with the habit of putting food there instead. The great aspect of quitting smoking with hypnosis is that the hypnotherapist can transfer the pleasure originated from smoking to a healthier habit instead, like drinking more water or getting some exercise.
5. Why stop smoking? I feel fine. A few benefits of quitting: 1) You will save a Great Deal Of money (cigarettes aren’t cheap!); 2) You will increase your life span (potentially by an entire decade); 3) You will boost your immune system– stop getting ill with every virus that goes along; 4) You will have younger looking skin.

Social Smoker Or Nicotine Addict?

Whether you are a social smoker or a true nicotine addict, the thought of quitting may be daunting. Hypnotherapy in Newcastle may be just the help you need to finally quit. So read the smoking articles and smoking facts online about the effects of smoking and the dangers of smoking and quit smoking today. The smoking statistics are there for everyone to see. Smoking cigarettes doesn’t benefit anyone and will most likely have serious consequences on your health if you continue to smoke.

Hypnotherapy Near Newcastle At The Quays Clinic

If you are looking to find hypnotherapists in Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead, Sunderland or County Durham, look no further than hypnotherapist Ian Smith at the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields. Hypnotist Ian Smith is an Internationally respected therapist who is an expert in stop smoking hypnosis. If you are looking for help to quit smoking, pick up the phone now and call Ian Smith on the telephone number provided below.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D.Hyp  T.F.T  C.I.S.H  N.R.H  U.K.C.H.O  M.U.F.H
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy
Telephone: 0774 3353367

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