Sunday 13 April 2014

Overcoming Bullying Stress And Anxiety | Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy

Bullying Anxiety

There are many bullying stories, bullying facts and bullying statistics that are available to read online. Many years ago after reading some bullying articles and Tim Fields book I realized that I was a victim of adult bullying. After suffering from bullying at work many years ago for approximately five years, I discovered that the use of self hypnosis and self hypnotherapy was a very valuable way of overcoming the misery that the bullies caused. This workplace bullying brought about a whole spectrum of emotional upset that I couldn’t at the time control. These feelings almost destroyed my life and my marriage because I couldn’t understand what was happening to me and why the bullies were targeting me. I later understood why the bullying was happening and found that it was quite simply because unlike the bullies I was a very honest, hard working person.

Bullying Facts And Bullying Statistics

There is now a wealth of information about cyber bullying, being bullied at school and adult bullying at work which is available online. More and more people and becoming more aware of the devastating physical and mental stress that bullying causes.
  • 38% of young people have been affected by cyber-bullying.
  • 31,599 children called ChildLine in 2011/12 about bullying.
  • 38% of disabled children worried about being bullied.
  • Almost half (46%) of children and young people say they have been bullied at school at some point in their lives.
  • 18% of children and young people who worried about bullying said they would not talk to their parents about it.

Bullying Definition

Bullying is the use of threat, force or coercion to intimidate, abuse or aggressively to impose domination over others. The behavior is often habitual and repeated.

Types Of Bullying

  • Physical bullying: Is bullying that hurts someone’s physical body or damages any of their possessions.
  • Cyber bullying: Is any bullying that happens using any technological device. We see cyber bullying on many social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google plus.
  • Client bullying: When people are bullied by those that they serve at work.
  • School bullying: When children, teenagers and adults are bullied at school or collage.
  • Peer Bullying: Being bullies by supervisors.
  • Verbal Bullying: Being constantly shouted at or ridiculed.
  • Institutional bullying: Which arises when bullying becomes entrenched and accepted as part of the culture in a place of work.
  • Indirect bullying: Indirect bullying is where people spread malicious rumors or stories about someone.
  • Social alienation: Social alienation can include spreading gossip, rumors, publicly humiliating someone, socially excluding someone from a group.
  • Intimidation: Threats of violence.
  • Serial bullying: This is where the bully attempts to destroy one person after another.
  • Gang bullying: Where a bully will recruit other people to become bullies in a group.
  • Pair bullying: Two people that help each other to bully others. One normally does the bullying whilst the other is there to back them up if necessary who will also participate in the bullying.
  • Vicarious bullying: This is where two parties are encouraged to engage in conflict.
  • Regulation Bullying: This is where a supervisor or manager who is a serial bully will bully someone to conform to their rules and regulations.
  • Residual bullying: This happens when a serial bully has moved on from one place of work to another and the bullying continues in the original place of work.
  • Organizational bullying: Which is the combined pressure of bullying and corporate bullying
  • Corporate bullying: This is where an employer will bully its staff because they know that they can get away with it because the law is ineffective.
  • Adult bullying: This can happen to any adult in any place of work or social situation.

The Symptoms of Bullying

  • Extreme anger.
  • Severe thoughts of revenge.
  • Chronic stress and anxiety.
  • Severe depression.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Lack of personal hygiene and care.
  • Thoughts of not feeling loved.
  • Not being able to show love.
  • Self-harm.
  • Suicidal thoughts.
  • Procrastination.

My Personal Experiences Of Being Bullied

After reading the bullying stories in Tim Fields book and bullying articles online I realized that it was possible to overcome the trauma that I was suffering from. The trauma that I was suffering from was the hardest thing that I had ever had to deal with in my life. This stress and anxiety not only affected myself but my friends and family. To this day I don’t know how my wife managed to cope with the way that I was treating the people that I loved. I read almost all of the bullying stories, bullying facts and bullying articles that I could get my hands on and realized that self hypnosis and hypnotherapy was my best option to overcome the physical and mental stress.

Read Some Bullying Stories And Fight Back

After reading some bullying articles about the bullying laws in Texas I came to understand that there was very little protection from the effects of bullying in the UK. It seems that our government don’t want to acknowledge that bullying in the workplace happens. Instead of giving up I decided to fight back, which prompted me to study all about bullying. I read Tim Fields book “Bully In Sight” which is a wonderful book that showed me all the different stages that people go through when they are being bullied and how to take away the power that the bullies thought they had over me. His book helped me to understand the difference between neurotic bullies and psychotic bullies and all about the many different stages to expect when the bullies start to attack you.

Self Hypnosis For Bullying

A good friend of mine encouraged me to learn all about self hypnosis to change my habits, emotions and behaviors that were associated with the bullying. It didn’t take me very long to see the wonderful results as these physical feelings and negative thoughts changed. I then decided to learn as much as I could about hypnotherapy. I decided to train at the Northern College of Hypnosis to become a professional clinical hypnotherapist.

My Success In Defeating The Bullies

After successfully completing my hypnosis and hypnotherapy course I was awarded a Distinction D.Hyp in clinical hypnotherapy. I have since found that I can use my own experiences of being bullied to help others to overcome the same unwanted feelings and negative emotions that I suffered from. In my career I have helped many hundreds of people to successfully combat bullying and the horrible negative thoughts that are caused by bullying.

Hypnotherapy Near Newcastle For Bullying Stress And Anxiety

If you have read many different types of bullying stories, bullying articles and bullying facts and realize that you are suffering from the symptoms of bullying, contact the Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields today. Please do not suffer in silence. If you are looking to find hypnotherapy in Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead, Sunderland or County Durham in the North East of England, I can help you.

Ian Smith  (Distinction)  D.Hyp T.F.T  C.I.S.H  N.R.H  U.K.C.H.O  C.I.S.H  M.A.A.H  M.U.F.H
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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