Friday 11 April 2014

Hypnosis In North Shields To Increase Confidence | Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis In North Shields

Having a lack in confidence in yourself is quite common. In some cases it can be thinking you are just the worst person in the world and can’t accomplish anything. Most times however low confidence is about being unsure of yourself. We all go through it at one phase or so in our lives.

Do You Lack In Confidence?

There may have been a particular incident that occurred in our life to make us think negative about one thing regarding ourselves. Most of the initial sensitizing events come from our childhood that cause us to lose confidence in ourselves. These events are recorded in the subconscious mind as traumatic events and can actually be seen by the subconscious mind as a threat to our existence. When later on in life we come across similar situations to the events that have been recorded the subconscious mind overprotects us by giving us stress or anxiety to keep us away from the perceived threat (the fight or flight response). This is why in many cases we have little or no confidence in our own ability and find it difficult to achieve any success in our daily lives.
We may be battling with a lack in confidence in ourselves because of any of the following:
  • A poor performance on a project at work
  • Failed a driving test
  • Called ugly in high school
  • Tripped over our feet while dancing
  • Get nervous while public speaking and stutter
  • Are overweight and been teased
  • Being subjected to constant bullying in a relationship
  • Being bullied at work
  • Having previous failed relationships
  • Constantly being told by someone that you are worthless
  • Constant failure to achieve success
  • Being bullied at school
These are all issues that can eat at our subconscious and make us lose our self-worth. If you need to boost confidence in yourself the first step is to recognize the root cause of the problem and be ready to face it. Hypnotherapy could be the solution to your problems.
If you have low self-esteem it is not good for you mentally or physically. You may sit around and not stand up for yourself. You may keep other great things about yourself bottled up from fear of not being good at something else. You may have a fear of being teased and afraid to open yourself up.

How can Hypnosis Help You to Boost Your Confidence?

Hypnosis can help build confidence in anyone open to it. You will meet with a trained hypnotherapist who will help rid your thinking of the negative absurd ideas about yourself. You will learn to instill positive thoughts and feelings about yourself into your everyday thinking. It will become a part of whom you are.

Can Hypnosis Be Right For You?

Hypnosis can definitely be an option for you. Everyone is different though. First you should be informed about hypnotism. It can be scary to most while simply intriguing to others. Hypnotherapy in Newcastle has been around for some time. It’s not a conventional method but many people are coming around to it as opposed to general therapy and self-help classes. You should ask around and see what others have to say about it.

Increase Your Confidence Today

To increase confidence in yourself, try talking to a hypnotherapist who practices hypnosis in Newcastle. Your initial session will include a detailed explanation about hypnosis and hypnotherapy as well as in some cases the actual therapy itself. You can also learn all about hypnosis or train to use self-hypnosis and how it can be used as a tool to help you to change unwanted habits, behaviors and emotions.
If you are looking to find hypnotherapy in Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead or Sunderland in North East England to increase your confidence feel free to give me a call. My office in located in Royal Quays Community Center in North Shields which is easily accessible by car, train and local bus routs. Please do not suffer in silence, pick up the phone today.

Ian Smith (Distinction) D.Hyp  T.F.T  M.U.F.H  M.A.A.H  U.K.C.H.O  N.R.H  C.I.S.H
Quays Clinic of Hypnotherapy in North Shields
Telephone: 0774 3353367.

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